Federal Engagement: White House

The Challenge

Historically, the White House has been entirely disconnected from people with lived experience in child welfare and the context and expertise they can provide. As a result, federal policy designed to better the lives of children and families has lacked understanding of the problems within the system and the needs of those it serves. As the White House sets the priorities for the entire federal government, this lack of proximity has meant young people and their families have faced significant barriers that could have been addressed.

The Action

At the invitation of the Biden-Harris Administration, Think of Us engages with the Office of Public Engagement, the Domestic Policy Council, the Office of Management and Budget, and other relevant White House offices on issues that are directly and indirectly related to child welfare. In this work, we actively integrate the voices of individuals with lived experience in child welfare by sharing data, participatory research, and direct feedback of child welfare stakeholders. Rather than limiting our contribution to the views of our singular organization, TOU creates proximity by inviting individual, organization, and state child welfare players to share issues they face and perspectives on policy. We synthesize this information to provide the Biden-Harris Administration with relevant, actionable insights into the barriers and needs of people impacted by child welfare.

Geographic Location

Washington, D.C.

Time Frame


Earned Revenue
Government Contract

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