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Healing, Preparing, and Supporting Youth in Foster Care

Written by
Sarah Sullivan
Senior Director, Programs - Think Of Us
September 1, 2021
Illustration from Aged Out Report

In Aged Out: How We’re Failing Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care, Think of Us partnered with Bloom Works  to identify three big gaps where child welfare is falling short for older youth in foster care. We are falling short when it comes to healing and dealing with trauma, centering youth in their preparedness, and building youth’s supportive networks.

Recently, the Child Welfare Information Gateway hosted Sixto Cancel and I for a two-part podcast about how Aged Out came to be and how these three issues are impacting older foster youth.

In Part 1, you will hear Sixto and I share insights and findings surrounding each of the three themes.

In Part 2, the conversation shifts to recommendations for agencies and supportive adults to address the themes.

Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this conversation to learn more about how we can create a system for older youth in care. 

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